Date of birth:- 18th December 1971
Time of birth:- 21 hours 50 min.
Place of birth:- Bhavnagar, India
Your Partner's Birth Details
Date of birth:- 19th May 1973
Time of birth:- 19 hours 20 min.
Place of birth:- Mithapur, India
Your question
They got married on June 20 2003. After the first day of marriage she started fighting for money and finally filled the case against Partner1. When they will be divorce. What shall we do in between as they are troubling Partner1 a lot. Any remedy
Astrological Highlights in your horoscope
Anonymous, You are born with Cancer Ascendant, hence driven by emotions and your judgements are based on your instincts. There is exchange between the Lords of the 5th and 9th house. Likewise, there is exchange between the 7th house and 11th house Lords.
Astrological Highlights in your partner's horoscope
Anonymous, You are born with Cancer Ascendant, hence driven by emotions and your judgements are based on your instincts. There is exchange between the Lords of the 5th and 9th house. Likewise, there is exchange between the 7th house and 11th house Lords.
Compatibility between you and your partner
Guna Matching Outcome
Anonymous, the mathematical score of guna matching between you and your partner are 28/36 i.e. 77%. There is no Mangal Dosha, Shani Dosha or Nadi Dosha between the both of you.
Anonymous, You are born with Cancer Ascendant, hence driven by emotions and your judgements are based on your instincts. There is exchange between the Lords of the 5th and 9th house. However, in her chart, there are no exchanges. Her Venus is Swagruhi, which is a positive point.
Anonymous, you may end up sacrificing far way too much for others. This can lead to 'identity crisis' too. In her case, she may take little more time to understand and respond to your needs in love. The only way both of you will learn about the relationship, care and nurturing is – friction.
The Guna matching is 77%, which is good and would help reduce malefic effects. Both of you are born with Naadi Dosha for which you may need to get a Vidhi done. There may be delay in the childbirth.
Besides this, no major problems are foreseen. Both of you will prosper after marriage. However, life will be stressful, feels Ganesha.
Summarily Ganesha suggests that you can go ahead with the proposal, keeping in mind that this does not mean you will have a totally tension free and happy life. The malefic transits of planets in the individual horoscopes, and the Dashas that come from time to time, will also play a role in your marriage, but you will have the strength to fight it all, together.
Personalized solutions for you
Anonymous, the remedies suggested below are options of each other, i.e. you can select any one of the below mentioned remedies according to your convenience :-
Gemstone – It is highly advised that you wear a Pearl(Moti) of 4 carats, it will surely enhance the chances of speculative gains and reduce losses. Besides that, it will also have a positive impact on your health, something which is a cause of continuous concern at your end. You should wear the pearl on a Monday morning within 1 hour of sunrise after conducting a small pooja. Anonymous, We are in a position to provide you with an authentic certified pearl along with detailed instructions of how to conduct the pooja and a mahurat to wear the same. Just call us on 0091-79-6160-4140 (10.30 AM – 7.00 PM IST) or send us an email on solutions@ganeshaspeaks.com and we will take care of the rest of the process for you.
Yantra – Optionally, you can also choose to keep a Shiv Yantra in your place of worship or an equivalent clean place in your home. It will help you think in the right manner, there by reducing the chances of losses in speculative activities. We can provide you with a authentic Shiv Yantra along with detailed instructions for worshipping the same. Just call us on 0091-79-6160-4140 (10.30 AM – 7.00 PM IST) or send us an email on solutions@ganeshaspeaks.com and we will take care of the rest of the process for you.
Rudraksha – Optionally, Anonymous you can also wear a “Char Mukhi Rudraksha” around your neck or keep it in your place of worship. It will also have the same positive effect on your mind and hence will result into better decision making. We can provide you with a authentic Char Mukhi Rudraksha along with detailed instructions for worshipping the same. Just call us on 0091-79-6160-4140 (10.30 AM – 7.00 PM IST) or send us an email on solutions@ganeshaspeaks.com and we will take care of the rest of the process for you.
Mantra/Pooja/Fasting - Offer Abhishek of raw milk followed by Abhishek of pure water on Shiv Ling every Monday and recite mantra ‘Om Namah Shivaay’ 21 times while offering Abhishek of raw milk. Sit for a while at Lord Shiva’s temple once the Pooja is done and then only leave. This remedy can also be performed at home if you have a Shiv Ling. You should observe fast on Wednesday. Start your one time meal with Moong ki Daal on that day and for the rest of the day you can have have fruit juice, milk and even potato chips without salt.
Important planetary influences in the near future
Saturn sub period in Mars major period will end on 12th August 2011, after which Mercury sub period will rule till 8th August 2012. This period can be crucial for you financially.
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Good luck and may lord Ganesha bless you.
Ganesha's Grace
The GaneshaSpeaks Team