Your Birth Details
Date of birth:- 26th March 1995
Time of birth:- 13 hours 53 min.
Place of birth:- Sangli, Maharashtra, India

Your question
Sir, I usually am afraid of appearing in exams. Few years back it was not like that but now, either I fall sick on the day of exam or I am very nervous and unconfident while appearing for exams. My question is, will I be able to overcome the nervousness and exam fear, ever?

Astrological Highlights in your horoscope
Anonymous, Anonymous you are born with Cancer Ascendant (Kark Lagna). Moon is in Shravan Nakshatra. Mars is debilitated in the birth chart and Jupiter is debilitated in the Navmansha chart.

Effects of the Ascendant
Anonymous, you may be highly sensitive and will generally take everything to the heart. You may be very considerate and ready to help others at the time of their needs but may also always feel that whenever you need support, no one helps you out.

Effects of Moon Sign
Anonymous, you are a very hard working person. You may be reserved to certain extent. Your approach towards things is very good as you believe in keeping things structured. Without planning, you would rarely work on anything. Your emotional side may sometimes have clash with your unsympathetic side.

Astrological factors involved
Mars, the planet that rules vigour and vitality is debilitated in your chart. It is placed in the Ascendant. This is why you are suffering from exam fever.

Current Planetary Transits/Periods and their effects
Currently you are under the influence of Rahu major period and sub period of Mercury, which will rule till 25th April 2013. Jupiter is currently transiting through the 2nd house in your chart and Saturn over Natal Rahu – through the 7th house.

Answer to your Query

Rahu is placed in the 4th house which indicates that sometimes you may have unknown or unnecessary fears because of which you wouldn't be able to concentrate in studies.

Jupiter is in the 5th house in a fixed watery sign Scorpio so Ganesha feels that you should not worry at all about studies, just focus and appear in the examination. Don't ever think negatively about the exam result. You may need to think positively and develop a bit of courage to appear in the exams. Ganesha feels that it is not at all difficult to overcome this exam fever.

Personalized solutions for you
Anonymous, the remedies suggested below are options of each other, i.e. you can select any one of the below mentioned remedies according to your convenience :-

Gemstone – It is highly advised that you wear a Coral of 3 carats, which will help you do away with the exam fever. You should wear the Coral on a Tuesday morning within 1 hour of sunrise after conducting a small Pooja.

Anonymous, We are in a position to provide you with an authentic certified Coral along with detailed instructions of how to conduct the Pooja and a Mahurat to wear the same. Just call us on 0091-79-6160-4140 (10.30 AM – 7.00 PM IST) or send us an email on solutions@ganeshaspeaks.com and we will take care of the rest of the process for you.

Yantra – Optionally, you can also choose to keep a Shiv Yantra in your place of worship or an equivalent clean place in your home. It will help you think in the right manner.

We can provide you with a authentic Shiv Yantra along with detailed instructions for worshipping the same. Just call us on 0091-79-6160-4140 (10.30 AM – 7.00 PM IST) or send us an email on solutions@ganeshaspeaks.com and we will take care of the rest of the process for you.

Rudraksha – Optionally, Anonymous you can also wear a 'Char Mukhi Rudraksha' around your neck or keep it in your place of worship. It will also have the same positive effect on your mind and hence will result into better decision making.

We can provide you with a authentic Char Mukhi Rudraksha along with detailed instructions for worshipping the same. Just call us on 0091-79-6160-4140 (10.30 AM – 7.00 PM IST) or send us an email on solutions@ganeshaspeaks.com and we will take care of the rest of the process for you.

Mantra/Pooja/Fasting - Offer Abhishek of raw milk followed by Abhishek of pure water on Shiv Ling every Monday and recite mantra ‘Om Namah Shivaay’ 21 times while offering Abhishek of raw milk. Sit for a while at Lord Shiva’s temple once the Pooja is done and then only leave. This remedy can also be performed at home if you have a Shiv Ling. You should observe fast on Wednesday. Start your one time meal with Moong ki Daal on that day and for the rest of the day you can have have fruit juice, milk and even potato chips without salt.

Important planetary influences in the near future
At the academic front, time after December 2012 can be tough for you due to adverse Dasha Bhuktis and planetary transits. For one year after the said month, you may also need to take good care of your health.

Ask A Question to expert astrologers of 'The GaneshaSpeaks Team' for further guidance regarding your future.

Good luck and may Lord Ganesha bless you.

Ganesha's Grace
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

Bejan Daruwalla and his GaneshaSpeaks Team want to make it clear that no discipline is absolutely perfect. Hence, any prediction that you receive from us is not to be considered as a substitute for advice, program, or treatment that you would normally receive from a licensed professional such as a lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist, or financial adviser. GaneshaSpeaks provide no guarantees, implied warranties, or assurances of any kind, and will not be responsible for any interpretation made or use by the recipient of the information and data mentioned above. By the Grace of Ganesha we can only try to give our best and hope that our efforts will improve the life of our customers.